Tips for Incorporating Wellness Into Your Daily Routine

Proper wellness is all about living a complete, healthy life and incorporating smart choices into your everyday life. So many people think that making an occasional “smart” health decision is enough to keep you healthy and well. Wellness requires more than that. You need to consistently take care of your entire body. Ideally, we would […]

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

At chiropractic school, students all receive special training on adjusting pregnant women. This is because pregnant women, although in a more delicate condition, can receive a number of great benefits from chiropractic care. Women who are looking for holistic care from their doctors can receive both prenatal and postnatal care and take advantage of a […]

The Difference Between Chiropractic and Massage Therapy

While chiropractors and massage therapists use their hands to treat patients, there is a very drastic difference between them. Most chiropractors will whole-heartedly recommend massage therapy for certain patients. Massage therapy is a very important form of healing, but it does not have the same broad scope of practice that chiropractic does. Chiropractors are primary […]

How Chiropractic Care Can Help After an Auto Accident

Being in a car accident can be one of the most terrifying and overwhelming experiences a person lives through. One moment everything may seem fine, the next moment you are involved in a serious collision. Many people who survive automobile accidents must deal with both physical and emotional damages following their accident, and treating these […]

Long Term Effects of Poor Posture

We have all heard about the importance of having good posture. So many of us have heard time and time again that sitting tall, holding your head high and keeping good posture is very important. However, besides looking poised, healthy and professional at all times, why is having good posture so important? When you maintain […]

Why Chiropractic Helps With Stress Reduction

Stress is a reality of modern living. Especially in Western Society, where longer hours are being worked and the media is constantly overloading our senses with the latest tragedy, it’s easy to see why many people experience anxiety levels ranging from mild to gut wrenching. The good news is that chiropractic care is useful for […]

Benefit of Chiropractic for Infants

What benefit can chiropractic treatment offer an infant? The nervous system is the master controller of our body and is vital for optimal health. If the communication channels between the nervous system and body become unclear, distorted or damaged then we may experience all sorts of communication errors. For babies this nervous system interference may […]

The Truth About the Flu Shot

Choose to Gamble with the Flu Shot? The Odds are Against Your Health! As flu season approaches, people you know – maybe even you – are conned into making the annual trip to the local pharmacy, clinic, grocery store, church or school to receive the flu shot. In fact, this year nearly 150 million doses […]

Can Chiropractic Lower Blood Pressure?

Can Chiropractic Lower Blood Pressure? By Drs. Doug and Angela Kloss: Downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado 100% Chiropractic A Wellness Center A basic philosophy of chiropractic is that the body naturally seeks the proper balance among all the systems of the body and that these systems are meant to work together. A second basic principle is […]

Why Do I Need Fish Oil?

Why Do I Need Fish Oil? By Dr. Ryan Betz: East Colorado Springs, Colorado 100% Chiropractic A Wellness Center One of the most common questions that I get asked by my patients is, “What will it take to get me healthy again?” WOW, talk about a loaded question! But rather than going on a tangent […]